Tuesday 17th June 2014 – I don’t like Red Ants one little bit!

Here are a few of Jerry’s tonics for critter control.
4 to 5 tbsp. cornmeal
3 tbsp. bacon grease
3 tbsp. baking powder
3 packages of yeast (I would opt for the rapid rise)
Mix cornmeal & bacon grease into a paste, then add baking powder &
yeast. Dab the gooey mix on the insides of jar lids, and
set them near the ant hills.
When ants eat this mixture, they swell up and go to the big ant hill in
the sky.

Clairesallotment's Blog

Another lovely day today, a little overcast, but dry, so the perfect weather to go up the allotment. I managed to weed and water the Onion bed today, so that’s the last bed sorted on plot 1. The Onions are growing well which is great news as we do tend to go through a fair few of those during the year. I also cut back my Comfrey bush as it had got rather large. I will make some fertiliser from it one year, but I keep it going as the bees love to buzz round it and collect nectar. When I do get round to making my Comfrey feed I’ll make a little video to show you.

Plot 1 all ready and sorted. Plot 1 all ready and sorted.

I then moved onto my second plot and the Asparagus bed. I knelt down to trim the grass round the edges and then had to come up…

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